Many people think that when they get older, they suddenly become extremely limited in what they can and can't do. They won't wear clothes that they think are made for a younger demographic, they won't listen to music that is "too young' for them, and they definitely won't pick up hobbies and activities that are more popular with a younger crowd.
Every once in a while, one of these "older" people is forced to step up to the plate to prove to everyone that age really is just a number. And passion overrules everything else you have ever thought to be true.
At 60 years old, Shirley Clements is the type of person who inspires every one she comes in contact with, both old and young. As a high school P.E. and dancer teacher, she has already proved to many people that even at an "older" age you can still be very active, healthy, and fit.
Like the three grandmas who went skydiving, Shirley is absolutely fearless. As someone who has enjoyed dancing since the age of four, Shirley knew that becoming a dance instructor was a calling for her to make a difference in the lives of her students, some of which may never get the chance to explore their passions for dance outside of school due to the expense.
After spending many years at the high school honing other's skills, Shirley decided it was time to retire…but not before giving her students and the entire school one last amazing show during the 21 Outbreak Dance competition.
But, if you are expecting to see classical ballroom style dancing…think again! This lady's hip-hop dance moves are as good as any one of the teenagers by her side!
Please SHARE if Shirley inspired you!