This Little Hockey Player Uses His Gear To Swiftly Remove Loose Tooth

Kids have gigantic imaginations. They can keep themselves entertained for hours at at time, playing outdoors or in, pretending to be their favorite superhero, princess, or "playing house" without a single electronic in sight.

When they are really little, you can hand them a crayon or marker and a piece of paper to draw on. Regardless of if they draw a giant colorful blob in the center of the paper, or a little house with trees and birds, they can tell you an entire story based on the art in front of you…and it all comes from their wild little imaginations.

Like the little girl who made the video Kittens Inspired By Kittens, the little boy here takes something he loves (hockey) and uses it to make this awesome video.

While kids will complain of getting bored from time to time, they rarely run out of ideas when it comes to finding fun things to do, and we've seen them incorporate those fun ideas into mundane everyday activities, and the kinds of things they have to do (but don't necessarily want to) alike.

So when the kid in this video wanted to be playing hockey outside, but was tasked with getting rid of a very loose tooth… He used his imagination to combine the two, so he didn't miss out on a little extra hockey practice!

If you were impressed by this kids imaginative way to get that loose tooth out, please SHARE!