7 Reasons Tween Girls Are Actually The Most Awesome People On Earth

Type "tween years" in your internet search bar and you're going to get some frightening results. That's because, like most parents who have been there know, the years just before the teen years can be filled with tons of emotions, uncertainty, and moody attitudes. As parents, we bear the brunt of our kids' frustrations. And it's not that boys can't be challenging to raise for so many reasons, but tween girls seem to really give us a run for our money.

With all that being said, tween girls are actually completely amazing. I'm not sure we focus on this enough, but it's true. In the face of so much shifting and sorting out of their feelings, they never cease to amaze us. They move at warp speed and are endlessly spirited and engaging, and even though a lot of times they act like they hate us, seeing their personality change, shift, and grow is pure magic to watch.

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My tween girl is so challenging. She makes me question whether or not I'm doing a halfway decent job raising her about 1,000 times a day. But I wouldn't change a thing about her. She blows my mind on the regular, and I'm guessing most parents of tween girls feel the exact same way. It's just such a vulnerable, yet hopeful, time.

Here are seven reasons why tween girls are actually the most amazing humans.

1. They're incredibly brave.

Listen: Being an adult is a lot of work. But you know what else is hard? Being a tween girl. It might look like they aren't doing a lot, but between shifting hormones (that they're experiencing for the first time), friendship drama (mean girls, etc.!), school work, extracurriculars, and just figuring out who they want to be, navigating being a tween girl is hard work.

It can often feel relentless, and girls at this age have to be brave at just about every turn. If you wonder why they are moody from time to time (OK, all the time), it's probably because they are feeling unsure of themselves. However, that also means they are getting lots of practice overcoming their small fears.

2. They love their friends.

No one will ever love their friends more than a tween girl. It's pretty inspirational, actually. When we get older, we stop talking to our friends as much. Our lives are filled with dozens of other things we deem to be more important. But to a tween girl, there is nothing more important than her friends, and nothing makes her happier than talking to them or being near them. Yes, the constant phone chatting is annoying. But it's also incredibly endearing to see how truly important that bonding is to her.

3. They make fearless fashion choices.

Tween girls might not have the best style, but no one can say they aren't fearless when it comes to fashion, and that's stylish in its own right. From the earrings to the baggy T-shirts and itty-bitty shorts to bringing scrunchies back, we're here for it. Seriously — tween girls are the absolute bravest people when it comes to what they wear. I type this as my daughter sits across from me in a crop top and combat boots with a half-pink pixie cut on top of her head. She's my fashion guru, pretty much. But she pulls off her looks flawlessly like only a tween girl could, and it's admirable.

4. They have the best comebacks.

It's annoying and even hurtful when it's directed at you. But tween girls are so incredibly sassy and creative that they have the best zingers. I simply can't keep up with the things that come out of my daughter's mouth — she's just so spirited. Half the time I want to laugh at her one-liners. The rest of the time I want to cry. But really, what I should do is start taking notes, because her off-the-charts creativity is like something out of an Emmy Award-winning sitcom. Or a Stephen King novel. I'm not sure which.

5. They're the most enthusiastic people you'll ever meet.

Have you ever seen a tween girl excited about something? Believe me, you'd remember it if you did, because it's just about the most intense thing in the world. A tween girl who is sad or mad is memorable, too … in a different way. But a tween girl who is revved up about a new experience, birthday party, special event, or even a new TV show is downright mind-blowing.

The energy is so intense that we wish we could bottle it and sell it, or at least snag some for ourselves. No one has more energy than a tween girl who is genuinely feeling happy and inspired. That kind of energy can be downright in-your-face obnoxious, but it also makes us nostalgic for the days when we cared about anything as much as they care about the new Twilight book written from Edward's perspective.

6. They're justice warriors.

Tween girls are the most passionate people around, which means that they will absolutely stage a revolt over any and all injustices they witness. It could be the Black Lives Matter movement that has them painting signs and taking to the streets or something they read on the internet about how hot dogs are really made. It could also be just about anything you say or do or ask of them, too, so watch out. Either way, once they get riled up about something, there's really no talking them down.

7. They're never wrong.

If anyone was going to teach a successful class on how to debate, it should really be a tween girl. That's because when it comes to arguing a point they fiercely believe in, they can never be proven wrong — at least in their book! They will research the heck out of their point and go to serious lengths to prove it, too. If you don't believe me, my daughter once acted out a 45-minute-long skit about why she deserves a phone. I'm not gonna say it worked, but let's just say she made some very valid points, and I no longer have to fight her in order to make a call with my phone.

Yeah, she's pretty convincing. But what tween girl isn't?