Most siblings share a special bond built from love, history, and shared family values. But for children born at the same time, like twins and other multiples, that bond is said to be even more profound, bordering on the paranormal.
Twins have been known to track each other down from miles away, to live parallel lives without even knowing it, and even to connect on a plane that the rest of us can’t even comprehend.
There are heaps of anecdotal evidence about the incredible power of “twin telepathy,” the mysterious link between minds that people credit with uncanny happenings that seem to follow twins, like this woman who discovered that her imaginary friend was actually a repressed memory of her long-lost twin.
There’s even a theory that twins have the ability to sense when the other is in danger, and sometimes even help them through it, like this sweet infant girl who may have saved her sister with her “rescue hug.” While there’s no scientific proof for the phenomenon, it is absolutely uncanny.
Today, the same mysterious connection seems to be at work in the sweet and moving story of Helen Mae Cook and Clara Mae Mitchel, twin sisters who passed away within hours of one another on October 13th.

The sisters were born on February 2nd, 1932 in Fort Lupton, CO. The premature twins were so tiny that nobody expected them to make it through the long, cold Colorado winter. In fact, the little girls were so tiny, that they had to be nestled in padded shoeboxes next to the wood stove until they were stronger.

Helen’s daughter Marsha Gerber thinks that their lifelong bond was forged during their infancy, as the family, isolated on a rural farm, fought to help the little girls grow stronger. They grew up the best of friends, and were nearly indistinguishable.

Says Gerber, “Even in high school, they looked so much alike,” adding that “sometimes, one of them would skip class, and the other would fill in.”

Helen and Clara grew up up, and eventually married and had children of their own. Their lives separated them, but they visited frequently, and spoke on the phone every single day.

They maintained their strong connection into adulthood. Added Gerber, “They would know instantly if the other person was upset.”

In 2008, Helen was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. As her memory faded over the next few years, she would often tell people that she was “waiting,” but no one knew what for.

Then, just three days ago, Clara passed away of a sudden heart attack at the age of 83. According to KUSA, Helen was “done waiting.”
Gerber told her mother, “Mom, your sister is waiting for you in heaven, and she’ll be the first one to say hello.” Within twelve hours, Helen had followed her sister Clara up to heaven, just as promised. Watch the video below to learn more about their amazing relationship.
If this story brought you to tears thinking about the incredible lifelong bond that these twin sisters had, please SHARE on Facebook to show the incredible power of Clara and Helen’s love for one another.