Underwater Cameras Catch Teen Silently Drowning In A Pool

Every parent knows the fear of their child having an accident in the pool. And I'm not talking about that kind of accident.

I'm talking about the kind of accident that ends in CPR and a lifelong fear of swimming, or worse.

It happens so quickly, a child takes one step too far, and all of a sudden, their head is underwater. It's not always a loud and chaotic scene. It can be something as silent as one little step forward.

That's why any little one at the pool usually has some brightly colored swimmers, or a complicated-looking life vest, to keep them afloat should the worst happen.

Thankfully, someone usually notices that something's gone wrong and steps in just in time.

Like this little boy who saved a young girl from drowning by using a pool skimmer, it's some quick thinking! And then there's this mom who was able to rush her daughter to the doctor in the nick of time when she experienced dry drowning after her first swim lesson.

But sometimes, humans aren't quick enough. There's a very limited amount of time to reach a drowning child.

It's in these cases that underwater cameras with alarm capabilities come in. They've already saved one life, and it's not hard to see why they're so effective.

This is something that we need to get into pools everywhere.

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