A middle school teacher who has a history of being inappropriate with students has been arrested for taking things too far. Lucas Sloan Talley was a teacher at South Hills Middle School in Riverton, Utah. The 38-year-old is also married with four children of his own.
Talley was arrested after establishing a relationship with a 14-year-old female student. He texted and spoke with the student about things outside of school. Her parents even got wind and insisted he stop contacting her, but that didn't deter him. She wasn't the only student he was talking to, but she was the most prominent. He even admitted he considered waiting for her to be of age so they could be in a relationship, according to Deseret News.
It all came to a head when Talley instructed the girl to meet him at the shut-down school. Since no one could see them entering together, he hid her inside a storage bin.
A Utah teacher has outraged a community with his inappropriate relationships with his students. Lucas Sloan Talley, a 38-year-old teacher at South Hills Middle School, was arrested over the weekend for his communications with girls outside of school, and there's a possibility of kidnapping charges to come. He's currently booked in Salt Lake County Jail.
Talley was a teacher at the school for 12 years. According to a police booking affidavit, over those 12 years Talley "had personal contact via text message and email with multiple young girls. Much of this contact has been of a personal nature and not school related."

"Lucas told detectives he has realized he needs the validation from these female students for his ego and thrives on it. Lucas said when the school shut down due to the pandemic, he really struggled with not having this validation, so began talking with this female victim daily Monday through Friday," the affidavit reads.
It continues that he "knew he was overstepping his teacher role but his interactions with the female victim were a type of therapy for him."

It's believed Talley resigned from his job a week ago. A spokesperson for the district confirmed he is no longer employed there.
Talley was caught after engaging in an "emotional relationship" with a 14-year-old student during the 2019-2020 school year.

The subject matter of their conversations were as inappropriate as the contact itself is.
"Lucas began talking to the young female about his marriage, as well as his anxiety and depression. Lucas began taking treats to the young female's home and spending time (hours) inside the girl's home with her," the affidavit reveals.

There were multiple instances of hugging and inappropriate touching. Police said the girl was fearful the activity would escalate.
"The female victim was scared something sexual was about to happen and felt uncomfortable and did not want to be in this setting with Lucas," officers wrote.

Talley also went so far as to arrange meetings with the girl in the closed school building during the early days of the health crisis, when no students were allowed in.
"Due to this, when the female victim arrived at the school, Lucas told the girl to get into a large black and yellow Sterilite bin," officers reveal.
"Lucas placed the Sterilite bin (with the female victim inside of the bin) on a dolly device and wheeled the girl into his classroom."
He wheeled the box, which he told police he named after the girl, into his classroom and locked the door. He also placed a sign for her in the box, which reads, "Hope your box is comfortable."
The girl did not tell her parents about the bin incident, police shared. Talley added he "does not feel a girl at the age of 14 is able to consent or even choose to be put into a bin and wheeled into his classroom."
There is belief that comment may be used to determine potential criminal kidnapping charges.

While the girl's parents weren't aware of that, they did know Talley had been talking to their daughter. In June, the girl's mother asked him to stop. Apparently, she wasn't the first.
"Lucas told detectives he has had other parents reach out to him and tell him to stop talking to their young daughters. Detectives are still actively investigating other cases which will be linked to Lucas," officers shared.

Talley even told police he'd considered the possibility of being in a relationship with his student.
He "had thought of being with (the girl) as a couple, but knew he would have to wait six to seven years before he could get to this point," the affidavit states.
"Multiple emails, text messages and video messages have been obtained which show Lucas telling the female victim he loves her and misses her."

He was even willing to share what he looked for in students to talk to with authorities.
"Lucas stated he talks to young girls who he knows has issues with anxiety, depression or other forms of struggles. Lucas said some girls he will not talk to about personal stuff because they do not have struggles he is aware of."
No attorney has spoken out on the disgraced teacher's behalf. He is married with four children, but no one has commented on their behalf, either. He is currently being held without bail as authorities evaluate his mental state.