There are so many men and women who serve our country and never get the thanks they deserve.
I honestly don't think they could ever get the thanks they truly deserve, but sometimes small acts of appreciation are all they need to feel valued. Because they are so valued by our entire country, more people should do what this stranger did for this man in the video below.
Vietnam war veteran Richard Smith walked outside to his car and saw a note stuck in the handle.
His original thought was that someone had hit his car and left a note to give him their information, but much to his surprise, there was nothing wrong with his car.
There was actually something someone appreciated about it: his veteran bumper sticker.
Some stranger saw the sticker and left a note for this man, a note thanking him for his service and offering kind words. A stranger did this great act of kindness, which ended up making Smith tear up.
He even claims that it's the best thanks he's ever been given. And he gets emotional again as he reads it out loud in this interview below.
I'm so happy someone did this for him, I would give him a huge hug if I were this news anchor!
Please SHARE this amazing act of kindness that sincerely made this man's day!