There are a lot of ways to show your love for your partner — giving flowers, buying a special card on your anniversary, even throwing a towel in the dryer and having it ready as your partner gets out of the shower (if you're not doing that last one and need some brownie points, try it tonight and thank us later).
But not many of us would think of dragging our significant other through a department store as a sign of affection. Yet this clip of an older couple working together like a wagon train has won the hearts of the entire Twitter-sphere, and once you see this adorableness, you'll understand why.
Have you ever seen anything so cute in your life?
It's like they're a train of Medicare-qualifying affection!
"Sweetheart, I want to check the frozen dinner aisle before we go home!"
"Right away, my love."
The Twitter commenters have been going crazy with their takes on the situation.

This one tried to get inside the head of the couple that's earned over 55,000 likes so far.

One common sentiment in the thread is people reaching out to friends and lovers, pointing out that this is exactly how they expect their relationship to develop.

Although some were quick to point out that the situation requires certain physical attributes.

And still others wanted it on the record that they're not even allowed to shop at Target.
[Editor's note: WHY?!]
This one, in particular, came off as slightly patriotic.

As much as those of us in the US laugh at our ridiculous ways, those who dream of coming here are excited by the idea of motorized scooters.

A quick glance through the comments shows that the support for this couple is universally positive.

Even some Target employees (presumably) have gotten in on the action, sharing how they wish their stores could host such majesty.
The best comments, however, come from the couples tagging their SOs and planning their beautifully lazy futures together.

Because honestly, who wouldn't want to grow old and do this with their significant other?

People are also tagging their siblings, who can read the tea leaves and understand that this is what their parents will be doing sooner rather than later.

#Goals gets overused, but to be honest, this fantastic clip deserves it.

Grammar aside, this Twitter user understands that this act shouldn't be special; it should be the norm.

And this lady decided to make a personal statement with her comment, relating the video to the ongoing struggle she seems to be facing.
Ted's face is all of our faces watching that clip, TBH.

(Seriously, this is the most adorable video I've laid eyes on in months.)
We absolutely have to end on this comment.

Men, never let the magic die, even if that means dragging around your wifey in a Target. The world will remember you for it.