No one quite understands why one town in Italy has the highest concentration of people over 100 years old. Both scientists in America and Italy are baffled by the small village of Acciaroli in the country's southern coast.
“For us, it’s natural,” Mayor Stefano Pisani told CBS. “We have many people living 100 years.”
Many of the oldest citizens say they feel young and don't require assistance to complete daily tasks even into their 90s and 100s.
“They have less Alzheimer’s, they have less cataracts, they have less bone fractures,” Dr. Alan Maisel said. “We don’t see any heart failure, they have high blood pressure, but the heart seems good in practically everybody we’ve measured. So there’s something there.”
Researches believe it's the diet of fresh fish and locally grown fruits and vegetables.
“What we saw in these patients was amazingly adequate little, small blood vessels that give things where we want it, and probably remove things we don’t want,” Maisel said.
Many people eat from their own garden rather than going out to buy fruits and vegetables. Many say living a tranquil, laid-back lifestyle helps as well.
Do you think we Americans can learn a thing or two from these wise Italians? Let us know in the comments!
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