There are some things that our limited understanding of science just cannot explain. There’s bizarre phenomena happening all the time, some latched onto by conspiracy theorists, and others filed away as divine intervention. Whatever your position, the below story is a powerful one.
Val Thomas had no brainwaves for more than 17 hours after her heart had stopped. Upon being rushed to the hospital, doctors took every measure to revive her, but to no avail. Her family gathered around and said their goodbyes, after which they removed her from life support. Rigor mortis had even set in, according to the newscaster, who added, “You really can’t get much more dead than that.”
But when the doctors tried to remove her tubes, her arm grabbed the nurse and her eyes fluttered open. For all intents and purposes, Val Thomas had come back to life. She asked for her sons and, while shocked, her family was happy to have their mother back. And while this story of post-mortem reawakening isn’t the first of its kind, it certainly sends some chills down our spines and raises some questions.
"I know God has something in store for me, another purpose,” says Thomas. “I don't know what it is but I'm sure he'll tell me.”
Have you ever heard of such a thing? SHARE this story with your friends and family if you, too, believe it was a miracle.