Looking at houses online can be such a fun pastime. You don't even have to be in the market for a new home to enjoy it. Whether you're looking in your own neighborhood or at homes from all over the world, it's really interesting to see the unique, bizarre, or otherwise scroll-worthy features different homes have to offer.
There are so many places to check out homes on the internet. But one of the most fascinating is the Instagram account Zillow Gone Wild. The homes featured are some of the coolest, weirdest, and most fun to view. From celebrity mansions to updated churches, these homes are absolutely not your average suburban residences.
For some of these homes, we'd give just about anything to spend even a weekend in. Others, we're happy to check out from a distance. But every home on this list is wild for one reason or another.
Here are 30 of the wildest homes listed on Zillow:
1. This Darth Vader House
This home looks like it's straight out of Star Wars. Not only is the outside a kind of dome shape, but the inside looks a bit like a spaceship might, too. There are some very cool features, like massive double staircases, tons of windows, and the feeling that you might take off into space at any moment.
2. This Confusing Colorblock House
It's tough to figure this one out. All we really see is color and what looks like massive piles of quicksand. It's definitely unique! But we feel like we'd have a hard time relaxing in this brightly colored maze.
3. This Taxidermy-Clad Cabin
Animals lovers, look away. This home is covered from end to end with stuffed bears, deer, and more. It looks like more of a taxidermy museum than anyone's home. But … to each their own? We will say that the cabin vibe is cool, but the skins of innocent creatures draping on every available surface makes that pretty easy to miss.
4. This Connecticut Mansion
There's not a lot this next home — er, mansion — is missing. Space? Check! A grand kitchen, complete with a huge island, that opens right up into the living room? Also check. From the outside, this home looks like four or five houses melded into one. From the inside, the space flows together beautifully.
5. A Home in the Hills
This white house located in Washington (not that White House and not that Washington) is really something to see. Not only is the landscape pretty stunning, so is the interior of the home. The bathroom is lavish and huge. There's a gorgeous library, an indoor pool, and so much more. The high ceilings make this mansion feel about as luxurious as it gets.
6. A House in the Islands of ... Minnesota?
Here's a new one for ya. This home is in the islands. The grand Minnesota islands, that is. Yeah, that's a little out there, but the surrounding scenery, the bar, pool, theater, and overall incredibly modern and zillionaire vibe make up for how confusing that is.
7. An Arcade-Lover's Dream Home
This California home looks totally regular and cute from the outside. But upon entry, you'll notice the owners have a pretty big interest in games. Arcade games, that is. While throughout the home there are hints of it, there's also a full-on game room that looks like it belongs on the boardwalk.
8. The Easiest Way To Go to Church
It seems strange to update a church to actually live there. But that's exactly why this home makes the list. The steeple is pretty much the only thing with a religious vibe here, though. This home looks more like a goth love nest.
9. Leonardo DiCaprio's Los Feliz Pad
The homes of the stars are always the most fun to gaze at. Why wouldn't they be? Celebs can literally buy the homes of their absolute dreams. Leonardo DiCaprio's beautiful mansion in Loz Feliz, California, is no exception. From the high ceilings to the gorgeous wooden beams to the sprawling space with tons of privacy, there isn't much we'd want to change about Leo's epic pad.
10. A Dangerously Thin House
We've all heard of tiny houses, but what about thin houses? This home looks like the builders were trying to squeeze it in. And what the heck is up with that terrifying staircase?
11. A Mini-Golfer's Dream House
There are a lot of offbeat things about this home with a mini-golf course right out front. But many of them are kinda cool! Hello, color, hot tub, and fancy skylights. The backyard looks like a really fun place to hang out with friends. There's even a guest tent all set up for those who want to sleep over.
12. The Royal Tenenbaums House
It's hard to imagine a cooler NYC home than the one The Royal Tenenbaums was filmed in. This gem really sparkles. Every room is like something out of a movie (well … ). But we'd take it just for that New York roof deck alone.
13. The One With All the Carpet
We aren't sure to begin with this one. Parts of this home look completely normal. But then there is carpet on the ceiling and a bedroom that appears to be encased in glass. You silly Pennsylvania.
14. Derek Jeter's Crib
Upstate New York is filled with so many cool homes, but Derek Jeter's might be No. 1. This place, which looks pretty much like a palace, has an actual waterfall. There's also an infinity pool, a ton of gorgeous stone work, and enough space to house an entire baseball team.
15. This Actual Castle
You don't have to be the Queen of England to live in a castle. You could just live here, in this lovely Pennsylvania palace. It's pretty cool, too. From the stonework to all of the old-time charm, this place is absolutely filled with character.
16. An Irregular Illinois House
Out front, it looks totally normal. But once you go through the front doors, BAM. You're in a sea of carpet. There is even carpet on those banisters! There are some very cool rooms in this spectacular spectacle of a house. But man … that entranceway hits you like a punch in the face.
17. The '80s Interior House
There's a lot going on here, and it leads to a lot of questions. Like, is this a home or a movie set? Is it from this decade or the early '80s? And does that carpet make anyone else dizzy?
18. Chaos in Charleston
This house is so cute on the outside! It looks like everything a Charleston, South Caroline, home should be. But once you're inside, your eye just doesn't even know where to go. There are so many decorations, and most of them are vases. It also feels a bit like the walls are closing in.
19. Maybe the Coolest Mansion Ever
We don't frequent a whole lot of mansions, but we're gonna say this is one of the coolest ones that ever existed. This spectacular house has everything you could ever dream up. It has a basketball court, a pool, a theater, indoor golf course and climbing wall. You name it, it's here. It's like an entire town inside of a house, and hanging out by the pool feels like you're inside a cave. So there's that.
20. A Puppy Paradise
This home is cute all around. But there's a catch, and it's that you absolutely must love dogs. This home is a puppy paradise, complete with indoor and outdoor puppy playgrounds. If you live here, you should probably have a whole brood of dogs to "ruff-house," fetch, and play all over it.
21. A Florida Castle
This is not the only castle on our list, but it's the only castle in Florida. This home is super cool because it has all of the castle charm, but it's also really very modern. We'd totally take it, if we could get past the guards.
22. For Living Life on the Edge
Everything is pretty amazing about this home. Well, almost everything. It is dangerously close to falling off the edge of the stunning cliff it sits on. Aside from that small detail, this Wisconsin waterfront home is perfect.
23. The Stairway to Heaven Home
WOW, that's a lot of stairs. This home is in a very cool location, but we're confused by all the flights. The stairs seem to wrap around the entire home, and they just keep going up. To where? No one knows.
24. An Oklahoma Maze
If this is a maze, then good! Because we're really very lost. We aren't sure which direction to turn. There are just too many choices. There are also a lot of parking spaces and … a lot of metal.
25. Jonah Hill's Malibu Hang
Jonah Hill seems like a really friendly guy. We hope that's true so that maybe he will let us come hang at his gorgeous Malibu home. It's actually perfect — full of color, light, and luxury. The design is pretty much flawless from the inside to the outside, and it's just begging for a party.
26. The Caught-in-Another-Decade Pool Party House
Caught in another decade? Absolutely. A perfect place to lounge around the pool all day? Also yes. This house is like a vacation home for someone who loves vintage everything.
27. Just Your Average Mansion
The outside of this home looks like an actual all-inclusive resort. It's definitely not a place for singletons. You could fit 10 families in this place. You could also fit 10 cars in that garage. And … if you live here, $10 mil in your purse.
28. A Homey Diner
There's a lot of charm to this next mansion. That's especially true because there's an old-time diner right inside. There's also a sauna and pretty much everything else you could ever need. But you'll definitely never need to go out for breakfast, either.
29. A Very Vintage Waterfront Home
Some might say this Maryland home is a little too vintage. While there are a lot of old-time traits, like those drapes and that wallpaper, there is also tons of charm. All you really need is that bar and that waterfront view. The rest is just details.
30. The Home You Can't Escape From
This house has everything. Literally. It even has a prison cell. Either that or a safe room. We aren't sure. But either way, we're kind of scared.