I absolutely love cooking on the grill during the summer. Nothing beats hanging out in the backyard, throwing some hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill, and enjoying a delicious outdoor summer meal with friends and family. If I could, I would probably grill every day. Well, actually, I would've until I saw this. When I spotted this amazing barbecue DIY project on how to build a smokehouse from Smoking Meat Forum user Nick from Texas, I was absolutely floored. Not only has this man transformed his yard, but he has made summer get-togethers even more delicious! Now he can smoke his very own meat to achieve that rich, smokey flavor in every bite. Nick will definitely be throwing the neighborhood's most talked about barbecues this summer. This awesome DIY smokehouse is an incredible addition to any meat-lover's backyard. I'm jealous that I never had one of these in mine. Please SHARE if you also think that backyard DIY projects like this are a great idea.
Smoking Meat Forum's user Nick shared this amazing DIY smokehouse. It took him several weeks to complete the whole project.

His goal was to build the smoker to sit on several rows of cinder blocks with a separate firebox and the smoke piped in.

He built the body of the smoker itself out of cedar. Cedar contains natural oils that will prevent rotting all by itself.

Nick created an extended roof over the black smoke pipe so he could place the fire wood right next to the smoking unit.

On top, he installed a chimney to allow the excess smoke to escape.

Nick then created a fire box from brick and connected it to the black smoke tube that leads into the smokehouse. He purchased and installed a door for the fire box to close when in use.

Nick finished the roof and wood rack and installed a door on the front of the smoker.

His backyard smokehouse was open and ready for business!

Nick built his smoker so it could be used for hot smoking or cold smoking. Unlike hot smoking which both smokes and cooks the meat, cold smoking keeps temperatures under 120 degrees and only flavors the food without cooking it.

Utilizing his new smokehouse, Nick's meat will have the advantage of containing less bacteria, holding in a smokey flavor, and having an increased shelf life!

With his brand new and impressive backyard smoker, Nick will be throwing the most popular summer barbecues on the block!

Please SHARE if you also think that backyard DIY projects like this are a great idea.