While crayons might seem like they are for kids only, there are actually a surprising number of ways they can be used to create fun and inventive do-it-yourself projects.
The colorful wax can be melted down to create a wide variety of homemade crafts, such as this stunning rainbow flower vase made from over 250 crayons. But it never really dawned on me that the crayon wrappers might be just as useful.
I found this incredible project on Instructables from user kludge77. This brilliant DIY-er used crayon wrappers in an extremely creative way to make a one-of-a-kind rainbow wine stopper.
This is such a great idea! Not only is the finished product beautiful, but it is a perfect way to turn a piece of childhood into a useful tool for any adult home.
Scroll through below to see just how colorful and unique this crayon wrapper wine stopper turned out.
Would you want one of these atop your wine bottle at home? Let us know in the comments!

While this clever DIY-er definitely used a few advanced tools, the steps themselves are surprisingly simple.
He started with 33 crayon wrappers, a rubber band, a cup to use as a mold, and some polyester resin.

He gathered all of his crayon wrappers in a rubber band.
He originally planned to place this wrapper unit into epoxy resin, but after two failed attempts, he switched over to polyester resin.

He writes on Instructables that he "used about four ounces of resin, which would net a two-inch square casting."

He used an eight-ounce mixing cup to create the resin mold around the wrappers.
"It provided the correct shape for a stopper and also eliminated the need to make a special shaped mold."

His first two attempts didn't turn out too well.
But, he writes, "Third time was a charm, when I switched to the different type of resin."

He then cut off the excess portion of the wrappers.

He first shaped this stopper into a square, and then used his equipment to make it much more cylindrical.

Already the stopper was beginning to take shape, with the incredible wrapper colors showing through.

The last steps involved wet sanding and polishing the resin.
And with a stopper on the end, this brilliant DIY-er had his wine topper all ready to use!

The polishing process gave it a lovely effect.
He writes, "It turned completely translucent and had an effect almost like glass!"

He concluded, "I'm more than happy with this little trinket!"
This stunning and creative project truly is one-of-a-kind. With a little bit of imagination, this DIY-er was able to turn a few inexpensive crayons into a stunning crayon wrapper wine stopper.
What do you think of this colorful and unique project? Let us know in the comments.
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