12 Fastest Animals Roaming The Earth


The natural world is filled with all sorts of gloriously talented animals, everything from cheetahs to greyhounds.

Some can change colors, camouflaging themselves on a dime, while others spray predators with all sorts of poisons, preserving their own lives.

One of the most impressive qualities countless creatures possess, though, is speed. Whether they're traveling by air, land, or sea, some animals can reach unthinkable speeds, clocking times between 45-200 miles per hour.

We've compiled a list featuring 12 of the world's speediest animals, and you wouldn't believe some of these figures!

[H/T: Conservation Institute]

1 - Cheetah

Flickr / Mycatkins

This predatory sprinter has been deemed the fastest land animal in the world.

2 - Greyhound

Flickr / clarkmaxwell

Greyhound dogs used to be primarily bred for racing. Now, many are the proud pets of many devoted dog parents.

3 - Peregrine Falcon

Flickr / Sandy/Chuck Harris

This fierce hunter can fly as fast as 200 mph.

4 - Blue Wildebeest

Flickr / Yathin

These plains-dwelling creatures can travel as fast as 50 mph.

5 - Lion

Flickr / Valentin Delaye

Lions can generally match speeds of prey like the Blue Wildebeest, making them quite deadly as predators.

6 - Sail Fish

Instagram / jonas_hone

Sail fish can swim up to 68 mph, outpacing even their speediest competitors.

7 - Quarter Horse

Flickr / evelynbelgium

Quarter horses can travel at speeds close to 55 mph.

8 - Pronghorn Antelope

Flickr / Nathan Rupert

Second in speed only to the cheetah, Pronghorn Antelopes are native to North America.

9 - Brown Hare

Flickr / Natural England

Traveling at speeds up to 47 mph, hares are quite the speedy little creatures.

10 - Elk

Flickr / Scott Kinmartin

Despite their large size, Elks can reach speeds up to 45 mph.

11 - Frigate Bird

Flickr / dinesh rao

Thanks to their incredibly wide wingspan and intense speed capacities, these birds have the endurance capabilities to fly a full week without ever touching down.

12 - Thomson’s Gazelle

Flickr / Marc

Gazelles can generally keep pace with wildebeests and lions. However, their most diligent predators are cheetahs.