Long before sleek iPhones, teeny tablets, and flatscreen TVs, families had only one source of in-home "moving picture" entertainment: the clunky, chunky, immobile floor console.
But with every passing year, the tubular technology got smaller and smaller. Finally, after its many incarnations, television evolved into the slim, digital screens we see today.
Now, rather than kicking them to the curb, many people are repurposing — or "upcycling" — their old consoles, and the results are incredible!
It never fails to amaze me how creative some folks are, like this man who transformed an old bathtub into a beautiful couch. Where I see trash, they see treasure.
Would you ever tackle an old TV console? I'd love to give it a shot. Now if only I could find a way to lug an old set up five flights of stairs…
For another great idea, be sure to watch the video at the end. Then please SHARE if you loved these television transformations!
This crafty couple wanted to turn their old, defunct television set into a functional piece of art. So they got to work! First, they removed the back panel.

Then, they began to remove the electrical components. They were very careful not to shatter the tube, as they knew that some older TV models can be very dangerous.

Once it was completely gutted, they began to thoroughly clean the interior. Then they measured and installed new paneling.

After lining the inner panels with pretty paper and nailing in a string of lights, their TV mini-bar was complete!

Another couple looked at their 200-pound floor console, which was just eating up room in the garage, and saw something beautiful.

After some evisceration, scrubbing, sanding, and painting, their little Charlie now has a fashionable and oh-so-comfy new bed.

"He doesn’t even mind the flowers," says his crafty mom.

Inspired by these amazing makeovers but don't have an old TV? You can find them at thrift stores, yard sales, and websites like Craigslist — usually for just a few dollars!

For another great TV conversion, be sure to watch the video below! Please SHARE if you love these repurposed antiques!