25-Year-Old Woman Writes Emotional Letter Announcing Her Own Death From Cancer

Daniella Thackray has managed to make a profound impact on the lives of others, even through her death. The 25-year-old woman wrote a final letter announcing her own death, which was shared to her LinkedIn and Facebook profiles by her family after she passed away. Despite being "very healthy and active," the young woman was suddenly diagnosed with bile duct cancer, also known as cholangiocarcinoma, in July 2023. Her letter showed how she managed to enjoy what life she had left to live, and now she's urging others to do the same.

"If you’re reading this then it means I have died from my battle with cancer and my family are posting my final message on my behalf," her letter started off. "Firstly, I just want to say that not all cancers are caused by lifestyle choices, in some cases it’s genetics or unfortunately it just happens."

She went on to hope that more research on the disease allows for more lives to be saved in the future. According to her LinkedIn, Daniella worked as an administrator for an advertising agency in Leeds, England, called 26 Agency.

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"Although we can’t control what happens to us, we can control how we react. I chose not to mourn the life I was losing despite being so devastated, but to instead enjoy every moment I had left," she continued in her letter. "As I have always said and believed you should enjoy the little things in life and cherish every moment! Romanticise your life! Do whatever makes you happy and don’t let anyone take the joy of life away from you."

She then went on to emphasize how much she loved her life. "Everything I had achieved was what I wanted. I loved my job, my fiancé, my family, my friends and my dog, and the house we were going to buy and the future we were making for ourselves. Leo my fur baby was definitely brought into my life to help brighten my darkest days."

"So thank you everyone for making my life so magical. Remember what I said about enjoying the little things," she continued, before sharing a quote from Winnie The Pooh: “If ever there is a tomorrow when we’re not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart… I’ll always be with you.”

She concluded her letter with a touching tribute to her fiancé. "And lastly to my dear, beautiful Tom, I love you and always will. Thank you for supporting me and bringing so much love and happiness into my life. Go enjoy your life now, you deserve it," she said, signing the message with her name.

People from around the world shared their condolences and gratitude for such a heartfelt letter.

"Thank you for making sure we are all reminded how important it is to 'enjoy things along the way' and especially – to not put things off," one person commented.

"What a beautiful parting gift to us all," Another person wrote, "Thank you. RIP. So many emotions ignited by Daniella’s post. Huge admiration for her and how she dealt with her illness and sadly her death."

According to the Cleveland Clinic, cholangiocarcinoma is a rare and aggressive cancer that spreads fast and has usually metastasized by the time it’s diagnosed. About 8,000 people are diagnosed with the disease each year in the US.

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