The interior design of your house can be a major key in determining your quality of life.
After all, your house is your "nest" and you spend the majority of your life there. Why not make it somewhere you feel happy coming home to. Not only that, it's a reflection of your own personality.
Some people prefer a shabby-chic decor, while others opt for a more austere, contemporary look. Yet, others are looking for the latest fads to keep houseguests marveling at their ability to keep up with the trends.
One of the newest interior design trends is 3-D Epoxy Painting Floors, and their popularity is rapidly growing in Asia and Europe.
As you'll see in the images below, these 3-D floors seem to completely transform any room in the house into something right out of a story book. Step out of the shower and you it can feel like you're stepping right into a wild river in a tropical rainforest.
Take a look at the fascinating floors and let us know what you think in the comments. Would you put something like this in your house?
Please SHARE if you are as fascinated by these as we are!
The liquid 3-D floors have initially been used in commercial spaces such as hotels, offices, and retail stores.
But manufacturers have seen an increased demand in more and more residential spaces.
The leading company at the moment is Imperial Interiors, a design company located in the UAE.
The 3-D paintings themselves are covered in a thick layer of epoxy to prevent scuffing and damage.
They are made to last for years no matter how much furniture is scraped across, or how many shoes tread on them.
Two thick levels of transparent polymer and another protective lacquer protect the images.
The 3-D paintings give dull rooms a flash of unexpected personality.
And many customers use the floors to make small, cramped spaces feel more expansive.
Though the effects may by dizzying, they are certainly cutting-edge and unique.
And companies are willing to design any type of 3-D painting customers may request.
Projects like these are just now getting attention here in America, though they've been gaining momentum oversees.
The obvious downside is that installing the floors is unfortunately quite time consuming. Each layer needs to be set and dry before the next one is added.
Materials and cost of labor are also quite cost-prohibitive though companies are always willing to work within a customer's budget restrictions.
Of course, these design companies don't have to stop with the floors. They can transform entire rooms if needed.
Obviously, it would be pretty jarring to walk into a friend's house and see these on the floor.
But perhaps that's just because the trend hasn't yet traveled here.
Could you imagine having flooring like this in your house? If so, what kind of image would you like?
If this design concept increases in popularity, manufacturers will be forced to provide affordable methods to eager customers.
Maybe you will see this type of flooring in person sooner than you think!
Please SHARE these incredible images that are beginning to go viral!