50 Wild Horses Stop Traffic In Greece As They Promenade Down The Road

Nature never ceases to amaze me, or remind me that we share this Earth with so many awesome creatures. We need to respect all of the living things that tread the same soil that we tread. Sometimes, this means making compromises to allow those creatures to do what they would have done before we built all of our roads, housing developments, and cities.

Haven't you ever seen a deer saunter into your backyard, or maybe found a possum rummaging through your garbage cans the morning after trash night? This is because your house, at some point, used to be wide open space that belonged to nature, and all of the wild critters that made their homes there. We do our best to compensate by putting up bird and squirrel feeders, and other small gestures, but sometimes, that just isn't enough.

One day in Greece, a band of 50 wild horses decided to make a trek through a town called Edessa, in the northern part of the country. But, they chose an interesting route.

The road completely closed down in order to allow the horses to pass. As one woman travels in the opposite direction of these magnificent creatures, she records a glimpse of the incredible sight to see. Moms and their babies, brown horses, white horses… horses of all kinds pass by. It's strange to see them sauntering down the road like this, but also so wonderful that the people in charge decided to close the roads to let them safely pass.

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