
The aardvark is one of the most unique animals on the planet. There truly is nothing else like it.
Aardvark means "earth pig," as they are incredible diggers, though they have no relation to pigs at all.
In fact, if you called one a pig, he would likely become very offended.
That's because aardvarks are actually very proper British men…in disguise, of course.
You never would have guessed, now, would you?
Please SHARE these jolly good British aardvarks with all of your old chaps!
1. "Shall I help you garden? These bluebells are most exquisite!"

2. "I'm having quite a splendid time, old bean!"

3. "Oh this tastes most delightful!"

5. "I say!"

6. "Naff off, you insolent bugger!"

7. "That's proper good, that beetle is!"

7. "Cheerio, lovely lass!"

8. "Fancy saving me a nibble, old sport?"

9. "I'll just be taking a bit of a kip..."

10. "Now that's a load of rubbish!"

11. "Can I interest you in a spot of tea?"

12. "Oh poppycock!"

Please SHARE these old British aardvarks with all of your friends!