70-Year-Old Writes A Book To Share An Important Adoption Message

Connie Wilson had no idea she was adopted until a classmate dropped the news on the playground one day in sixth grade. Of course, the news completely shocked the Kentucky girl. Yet, she never told her parents the secret she discovered until decades later.

As she got older, however, Wilson began to wonder about her biological family (much like the man who met his seven biological brothers after 45 years).

"Then I started thinking, well, who was my mother? You know when you lay there in bed at night and you're 12 years old, you think of all kinds of things," she told WLKY News Louisville.

But it was only when she turned 51 that she told her parents she actually knew about the lifelong secret they'd been keeping. In order to retire from teaching at the time, she needed her birth certificate and had no other choice.

Now, Wilson hopes her experience will be a lesson for others. She wrote a book about her adoption story titled A Girl Named Connie and wants to spread a message she feels passionately about.

"I want everybody that's ever going to adopt a child, or has adopted a child, to please tell them," she said.

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