This African Children’s A Cappella Choir’s Performance Is Incredibly Moving

If you've ever been in a foreign country that speaks a language other than your own, you know that it's strangely alienating to not understand a word that's spoken around you. You realize that you can't even ask someone for directions or order a cup of coffee without a minute or two of rehearsal. Language is often a barrier between people from different parts of the world, causing confusion and frustration.

But what happens when foreign words are sung instead of spoken? Music has the power to transform ordinary words and turn them into something extraordinary.

It's amazing what the human voice is capable of. When a group of voices comes together in a room and sings in perfect harmony, that room is transformed into something entirely new, and it doesn't really matter what the words are anymore. The meaning and feeling of the song can be interpreted through the voices of those who are singing the words.

This children's a cappella choir in Nigeria is a perfect example of this barrier-breaking quality of the human voice and music. When they sing together, you can feel the powerful, positive charge in the room. Their commitment to every word they're singing is really moving, and the fullness of the sound is nothing to blink at.

Watching this video is just as rewarding as listening to it, too!

If you're moved by this performance, please SHARE it on Facebook for everyone to see!

VIDEO: So much harmony in one room, watch the African Acapella by Imani Milele kids choir…

Posted by CoolFM969 on Monday, November 9, 2015