Airline Employee Sees 5-Year-Old’s Name Is ‘Abcde’ & Mocks Her, Mom Publicly Fires Back

Traci Redford and her family were traveling from California to Texas. Her 5-year-old daughter has epilepsy, so they approached the gate agent to preboard.

But as Traci handed off her boarding pass, she says the agent noticed her daughter's name and started laughing with her coworkers, pointing in their direction.

"Mom, why is she laughing at my name?" the little girl asked.

Traci's daughter is named Abcde, pronounced "ab-city."

Surprised and outraged, Traci turned to confront the agent head-on. "If I can hear you, my daughter can hear you, so I'd appreciate if you'd just stop," she fired back.

Southwest Airlines has since issued an official apology: "We extend our sincere apology to the family. We take great pride in extending our Southwest Hospitality to all of our Customers, which includes living by the Golden Rule and treating every individual with respect, in person or online. The post is not indicative of the care, respect, and civility we expect from all of our Employees. We have followed up with the Employee involved, and while we do not disclose personnel actions publicly, we are using this as an opportunity to reinforce our policies and emphasize our expectations for all Employees."

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Traci also alleges the gate agent took the mockery one step further — by sharing the girl's boarding pass on Facebook.

Watch the video to hear about the whole story.