Alcoholic Oreos Recipe Offers A Grown-Up Version Of The Classic Cookie

If you've been searching high and low for the perfect party treat for your next event, you've come to the right place. Thanks to the folks over at BuzzFeed Video, we'd like to share with you a recipe for a grown-up remix on a cookie classic: the Oreo.

That's right, sandwiched between those chocolate cookie crisps, you're going to replace that middle frosting with a booze-infused dessert that's sure to be a hit at your next party. (Seriously, boozy Oreos sounds like the perfect way to have your drink and, err, eat it, too!)

Here's what you'll need for this culinary adventure:

  • 1 cup vanilla vodka
  • 1 cup white chocolate liqueur
  • 1 cup milk
  • 3 packets of unflavored gelatin
  • A round cookie cutter (about 2″)

Following the instructions in the easy-to-follow video below, you’re going to create a vanilla and white chocolate gelatin with a milk base. You’re going to need to scrape the middle off however many cookies you’d like to serve, but that’s done quickly enough with the flick of a butter knife. It’s a super easy recipe, and it takes little more than an afternoon in the fridge to complete.

One you've got all your cookies in order? Serve, amaze, and repeat — and pass on the deliciousness!

Would you try this boozy cookie? Let us know in the comments, and SHARE this recipe with your friends on Facebook so they can try it, too!