Archie Bunker from the classic television show All In The Family will forever remain as one of the most beloved comedic characters of all time.
Archie was your average WWII veteran blue-collar worker living in Queens, NY; along with his sweet wife Edith, he always remained hot-headed and stubborn, but lovably hilarious in the show's 9 season run.
It remains one of the top 100 television shows of all time, and will probably always be ranked up there for as long as television exists!
While times have certainly changed since the 1970s, a few things have remained exactly the same. So when Archie starts talking about politics, you better believe he's not going to stop talking until he's spoken his mind!
"I am so sick of Washington and all its works… I bet you won't find none of them congressmen turning down their electric blankets tonight. Because if they did their secretaries would get up and go home!"
While Archie was satire back in the 1970s, when you watch him in the clip below, he might just be showing himself to be one of the wisest men out there! The amount of hypocrisy that he sees in Washington has got him all fed up and he won't stand for it anymore!
While the government wants everyone to make a sacrifice, they keep raising their salaries and keep sending farmers and other hard-working Americans straight to the poorhouse!
Make sure to watch this hilarious clip of one of Archie Bunker's most famous rants!
And please SHARE this hilarious video if you think he actually makes a point!