Things Organized Neatly Will Soothe Your Frazzled Nerves In A Beautiful Way

There's nothing that stresses me out like clutter and disorder. Something about it just makes me want to arrange it neatly.

Maybe something about bringing order to a bunch of objects is soothing, as if by organizing just this one little corner, the world has become a bit calmer.

And this is not an uncommon feeling. Who here hasn't felt better when a pile of laundry is folded, or the dishes are put away, or a closet is cleaned out? And who hasn't enjoyed looking at their newly organized, orderly space and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Well, blogger, curator, and photographer Austin Radcliffe knows how you feel.

He's been running the blog Things Organized Neatly, which showcases, well, things organized neatly. The blog covers all kinds of items, from toys to food to hardware, but everything is laid out in a precise and pleasing fashion.

The images are fascinating because not only do they satisfy our love of order, but because they also turn everyday items into works of art.

Arranged in an unusual way, we see these mundane things in a whole new light. Just like the photographer who captured the inner lives of people by photographing the contents of their bags, Radcliffe's blog shows the unexpected beauty of the things we use every day.

Check out some of the collections of neatly organized things below, especially if you're feeling stressed! You'll see just how strangely calming they really are.

[H/T: Colossal]

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly

Austin Radcliffe's blog, Things Organized Neatly, showcases all kinds of collections, parts, and items arranged in pleasing patterns that bring our their beauty in new ways.

This collection shows various items found in nature, and while we might overlook them in another context, this arrangement makes them really pop.

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly

The blog is popular among people who like to show off their collections in one large photo, and it accepts submissions from readers who like organization as much as Radcliffe.

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly, via Jaimus Tailor

Art and other creative supplies are popular subjects, too, and make for an artistic vision of the very things used to create other art!

Tumblr / jose-lourenco

And they're even more satisfying when they make a color gradient, like this collection of paints.

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly, via Henry Hobson

Or like this extremely calming bookshelf.

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly

Of course, things don't always have to be laid out in grids and squares to be neatly organized. This U.S. map made from food was created very meticulously, while looking both delightful and delicious.

Dairy Powder
Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly, via Jennifer Davick

And it gets even better when it's cheese!

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly, via Adam Hillman

Of course, you don't need a huge variety of food — or a ton of space — to create a striking pattern. These candy bananas have been turned into a clever pattern, and the choice of a purple background for contrast is perfect, too.

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly, via Adam Hillman

Some submitters take a slightly different approach to the laid-out array. This ice cube tray, with different ratios of milk to coffee, creates a surprisingly pretty arrangement of something quite ordinary.

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly

And sometimes, even a single object, like this slice of watermelon, can be organized and turned into a cute composition.

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly, via Adam Bright

A classic childhood game works pretty well, too.

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly

Collections of the same types of things are great, too, and show the variety in even common objects, like these locks.

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly

Even something as humble and everyday as a lightbulb suddenly takes on an unexpected beauty when its components are laid out like this.

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly, via Kevin Dodwell

Sometimes, collectors add a little extra flair by arranging their items into patterns and shapes. These clay pipes have been arranged into a geometric pattern that also shows off their color variations.

Tumblr / Things Organized Neatly, via Adam Hillman

And the organization doesn't have to be a large-scale affair, either. Sometimes, even the smallest arrangements can be totally satisfying.

If you're still feeling frazzled from the chaos around you, you can see more things organized neatly on the Tumblr blog, as well as on Instagram. And if you really want to bring order to your life, you can order the new book full of satisfying images of the neatest organizations of things ever.

And don't forget to SHARE with your orderly friends!