Twitter is laughing at babies getting X-rays, because honestly, what else is there to do on the internet?
Getting X-rays isn't a fun experience in general, but babies must have it the worst. They have to get into a tube-like contraption that squeezes them tight, to make sure they don't move.
It doesn't look like a fun experience, judging by the annoyed looks on the babies' faces. But, I'M SORRY, it's also pretty funny. People on Twitter seem to think so, anyway.
A user shared three photos of babies getting X-rayed, and people cannot stop laughing at them.
"I just found out this is how they X-ray small children and I can't stop laughing," the user wrote.
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"Funniest thing I've seen all day," another user replied.
"Glad I'm not the only one who finds this hilarious," a mom tweeted.
These poor babies! They're gonna grow up and beat us all up someday for laughing, for sure.
Did you know that doctors have to X-ray small children by shoving them into a narrow plastic tube?
It looks very uncomfortable, but also Twitter can't stop laughing at it.
The test-tube-like device is called a Pigg-O-Stat. It was invented in 1960 to completely immobilize children during X-rays.

Annnd it really does its job! The babies in this device cannot move at all, and they look pretty pissed about it.
Here's a photo of the Pigg-O-Stat. It looks rather like a medieval torture device.
The Pigg-O-Stat does not hurt babies at all, by the way. It just infuriates them and makes them look absolutely ridiculous.
A Twitter user shared photos of babies in the device, and they went viral.
Of course, people couldn't stop laughing at how silly the babies look.
And people also had a lot of questions, such as: Where are the babies' legs?
(Answer: They're below the contraption, under the platform.)
Obviously, the babies in question are not laughing. And if they knew all of Twitter was laughing at them, they'd probably be even madder than they already are in the photos.
Some of them look like they are going to wreak havoc as soon as their arms are no longer restricted by this evil tube. Poor babies!
Hilarity aside, the Pigg-O-Stat does serve a medical purpose. It allows health professionals to get an accurate X-ray of squirmy babies on the first attempt, so they're exposed to less radiation.
The fact that the Pigg-O-Stat makes babies look like Augustus Gloop in the chocolate tube is just an added bonus.
Not everybody finds these photos funny, though. The babies are clearly miserable, so some people find the photos sad/upsetting instead.
But just in case you cracked up at these photos and now feel guilty, don't worry. Even parents can't help but laugh at their own kids in this device sometimes.
Some parents replied to the tweet with photos of their own babies getting X-rayed.
"Glad I'm not the only one who finds this hilarious," one mom wrote alongside a photo of her baby.
SORRY FOR LAUGHING AT YOUR PLIGHT, BABIES! Someday you'll look back at these photos and laugh, too.