Baby “Naps” On Demand — All Dad Has To Do Is Snap His Fingers

Getting your infant or toddler to sleep is one of the most challenging things about being a parent. Bedtime routines can take hours, and it seems that some children avoid going to sleep at all costs. Where does all that energy come from?

On more than one occasion I have fallen asleep before my toddler, and I woke up wishing there was some magic button I could press to make him fall asleep instantly.

Well, it seems like this dad has got it all figured out. All he has to do is snap his fingers and his adorable daughter "naps" on demand.

This sweet little girl is under the spell of her adoring father, and I'm sure parents everywhere are wondering how they can make this work with their own children.

While the little one isn't actually sleeping, it is pretty great how Dad scores some sweet cuddles anyway. You can't help but laugh along with mom who is filming the whole thing.

There's just something about that bond with dad. Remember this little one who can communicate with her dad through grunts? Or this dad who got his baby to fall asleep by playing Leonard Cohen’s classic "Hallelujah?"

Too cute!

Please SHARE this video if you thought this baby was adorable!