Baby Receives First Birthday Card And Her Reaction Is Simply Adorable! I’m In Love!

I don't think there is anything sweeter than the sound of a baby's laughter. The happy melody of a young one's joy can bring me out of even the worst of moods with a smile on my face.

That is why, when I saw this video, I was grinning from ear-to-ear…

Baby Kennedy is turning 1, and at her very first birthday party she gets a gift that knocks her tiny socks off. Kudos to whoever thought of this special card, because it definitely made little Kennedy's day. It isn't an expensive present, nor is it very elaborate. However, as any of us who has a kid knows, sometimes it's the simplest thing that brings the greatest joy.

When Kennedy's mom opens a regular envelope…and BOOM! Baby Kennedy finds the present of her dreams inside. Whoever gave this extraordinary card to Kennedy must be thrilled! I love that even though she is only a year old, she already had the perfect reaction to this funny card.

Note to self: Always bring a card that makes silly noises to a baby's first birthday… You might get a big, beautiful baby laugh like this!

Have you ever seen a baby find big joy in something so small? Tell us about it in the comments!

Please SHARE adorable baby Kennedy's reaction to a simple card with all of your friends.