When you think of bears, do you think of the cuddly, plush ones people get on Valentine's Day? How about the big, dangerous ones you'd hate to come across on a hike? Whatever comes to your mind when you think about these big, furry mammals, I can guarantee that this creepy bear is not what you had pictured.
At first, I really thought this was a person in a bear costume. It's so slender, and the way it walks is exactly like how humans move! But if you really pay attention, it becomes clear that this animal is the real deal. But why is it walking like that? I love animals, but this is creeping me out!
Bears have been known to do some funny (and adorable) things. This one loves playing with a hose with his canine friend, and it's almost too cute to handle! But I've never seen a bear do anything like this before. I've seen them stand up on their hind legs and maybe take a step or two, but this guy looks like all he needs is a fancy hat and a nice pair of pants to go on a casual stroll through the park. It's crazy to think that a cute little cub like this might one day grow up to walk just like us.
What do you think of this humanlike bear? Are you as freaked out as I am? Or are you totally fine with the idea that it's only a matter of time before these fuzzy beasts take over the world? Let's just hope they don't learn how to run like this, or we're in big trouble!
If you're weirded out by this upright bear, SHARE this video with all your friends!