When most people think about makeup artists, they picture them with perfect skin, amazing eyebrows, and beautiful makeup.
Of course, makeup artists are just like the rest of us. That means they don't always necessarily have flawless skin. This may come as a surprise to some people, but many makeup artists have acne, rosacea, and even eczema.
Bronya Humphreys is a 20-year-old makeup artist who has pretty severe eczema. According to the US National Library of Medicine, "Eczema is a term for several different types of skin swelling." It usually causes dry, itchy patches of skin, and can also cause red, swollen rashes.
Bronya's skin condition got worse after she had her first child. Instead of being ashamed of her skin, though, Bronya embraces her eczema and encourages others to love themselves.
Fans of the young makeup artist love how open she is about her skin troubles, and many find her inspirational.
Photos: Instagram 1, 2 / bronya_h
[H/T: PopSugar]

On January 2, 2018, Bronya shared the picture below on Instagram and wrote a moving post about her skin condition.
The post got almost 10,000 likes and a ton of comments from her followers.
Bronya wrote:
I am not my condition. I am Bronya. I refuse to let you get me down.
I have had so many rude comments about my skin and about why I can't post makeup for a while, and as I've explained in my story. It's because I physically can't.

I’m sorry if you only follow me for my looks and not me as a human, but I cannot control my skin. This is me. I am a person. And I have bad skin.
Yes. I'm sorry if that means you can't see looks from me for a while but my health comes first.

I don’t understand how many messages I got saying that eczema can’t affect my makeup use?
But damn! You must not have skin problems because it affects all of your body including your face.

I refuse to pretend that I don’t care what you think because anyone who is human cares what other people think to a degree.
I'm sorry that I can't post looks right now. But I know that all my followers who truly care about my wellbeing will be here when I return.

I love you all and thankyou for the kind messages I have received.
I refuse to let the haters get the better of me. I am not my condition. I am Bronya.
So many people can relate to what Bronya is going through, and some commented on her picture with their thoughts.
One person wrote, "You’re an inspiration though I love what you do with your makeup it's so unique and you seem like an incredible person."

Another person said: "You are absolutely gorgeous. I have eczema all over the back of my neck and even on my hairline on my forehead sometimes, and all over my arms when it gets humid out. I appreciate you and your story so much, you make people like me feel so much better about a silly skin condition that shouldn't be as big of a deal as people make it out to be. Keep on being you, you're amazing girl."
In a post a few weeks later, Bronya explained that people can be really cruel, but she just wants her page to be about self-love.
This young woman is incredible, and she's touching so many hearts.

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