Cameraman Zooms In And Captures Amazingly Detailed Footage Of The Moon

It's been 42 years since humankind last set foot on the moon. When Apollo 17's lunar landing module blasted off of the surface, the two man crew inside looked forward to returning back to the warmth and comfort of their homes.

But it seems as though the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. As humankind lives out their existence on this tiny blue speck, the best we can do at the moment is look to the stars and dream. As our technology gets more advanced, our ability to peer deeper and deeper into the distant chasms of space and time will grow ever more powerful as the years go by.

Such a technology is freely available; in the video below a nature photographer was playing with his Nikon Coolpix P900, and with a 2000mm zoom range, he was able to walk amongst the astronauts on the surface of the moon.

With an incredible 83x optical zoom this video the magnification is so powerful that you can see the Earth's rotation occur in real time. As he struggles to keep the giant satellite in frame we can only be left with a feeling of utter awe at where the future seems to be taking us.

Have you ever seen a picture of the moon taken this clearly and in detail before? Let us know if you have any cool pictures of the moon in the comments below!

And please SHARE this gorgeous video with all of your moon-loving friends and family!