These Unusual Onesies Make It Look Like Your Baby Is Turning Into A Cat

There is no doubt that babies require a lot of supplies.

They need a crib, diapers, and special swaddling blankets like these. Babies also need clothes — lots of clothes — because they grow so fast in that first year or two.

Some parents want to keep the baby clothes simple, with just the essentials. But when your children are still cute and tiny, you've got to take the opportunity to dress them up in something extra special every now and again.

You can pair a dapper vest with a tiny fedora, or maybe even give them a tutu skirt that makes them look just like a tiny ballerina.

And while these curious cat-mimicking onesies are adorable, they might not be everyone's idea of a special occasion outfit.

Created by a Japanese company called eko D works, these onesies are either the most brilliant or most bizarre outfits I've ever seen. At the very least, they are guaranteed to start some conversations at your next playdate!

Scroll through below and decide for yourself if these onesies are for you!

[H/T: ChicLaunches]


You know those gag T-shirts that make it look like you're wearing a tuxedo even though you're really not?

Well, these one-piece rompers are just like that.

Except they're for babies. And feature a cat's tail. And a little bit of a baby's behind.


Many people say that pets are like kids, and vice versa, but these onesies take that idea quite literally.


The outfits come in pink as well as green, and they're sold for about ¥4,320, which translates to about $38 USD.

It may not be the cheapest onesie out there, but how many baby outfits are quite as funny and adorable as this?


The screen-printing of the tail and tiny behind really does make it look like your baby has sprouted a cat tail!


These unique onesies aren't for everybody, but they are certain to put a smile on the faces of those who see them!

Would you dress your child in a silly kitty romper like this? Tell us in the comments.

Please SHARE if you know the parent of a toddler who would get a good laugh out of these wacky outfits!