It's been a few months now since the much-beloved Céline Dion was forced to say goodbye to the love of her life. But as the wounds slowly (and are still slowly) heal, this amazing woman has kept up with her responsibilities of being a mother in charge of two grieving twin boys.
The twins, Nelson and Eddy, were only 5 years old when René Angélil passed away, and being so young, they're being forced to come to terms with what death really is far too early. But Céline is graceful both on and off the stage; in a recent interview, she broke all of our hearts when she recounted exactly what she said to her baby boys.
The whole family loves Pixar, and in particular the movie Up. So this amazing singer and mother got down to her children's level and spoke in ways they would understand. She didn't want to make them afraid of the doctor, but she wanted to make sure they both knew exactly where their father was.
"Well… Today, Papa went up, because Papa was very sick… Papa is not in his bed anymore, Papa is not coming back… Up is a good thing, Up is 'uplifting.' We're going to celebrate right now, because Papa is no longer in pain… We're going to go outside right now before it gets dark, we're going to make a wish, you're going to talk to Papa, we're going to send balloons right now. And we're going to say, 'Papa we love you!'"
If that doesn't bring a tear to your eye, you should go get your eyes checked out.
Please SHARE this beautiful message if you will keep Céline and her babies in your thoughts and prayers!
Photo Credit: Celine Dion Forever