I had no idea that .5 percent of women and a whopping 8 percent of men are color blind, according to the National Eye Institute.
Do .5 and 8 percent seem like low numbers to you? Well, that actually works out to an incredible 1 in 200 women and 1 in 12 men. Who knew so many people were affected by color blindness?
And while most people are born with it, some people lose their ability to see color later in life. So I decided to see just how good my color-viewing skills were. This exclusive test is easy and extremely revealing, just like the quiz that determines if you have a photographic memory.
Could you be color blind and just not know it? Scroll though the eye tests below. Try to see if you can spot the hidden animal in each one. Then answer the question, "What animal do you see?" It's really that simple!
I may not be color blind, but I definitely didn't get all of these right. 7 out of 11 isn't too bad though!
How many of the animals did you spot? Did you have trouble seeing the colors? Let us know in the comments.
Can you spot the animal in this graphic?

How about this one?

Do you see this animal?

What creature do you see here?

What animal does this look like to you?

Can you what animal this is?

Too easy for you? Ready for the harder questions?
Go to the NEXT page to begin Level 2!
This one might be a little bit harder...

Your color-viewing skills must be spot on if you can tell what this is...

What creature do you see here?

Can you spot this one?

Could this one be the hardest of them all?

How did you do? Did you have any trouble seeing the animals? How many were you able to get correct? Let us know in the comments.
Please SHARE this fun color blindness quiz to see if your friends and family can do as well as you!