The Way You Perceive Color Reveals Hidden Facets Of Your Personality

There are a few philosophical questions that humans have been knocking back and forth since the beginning of time.

Questions like “Why are we here?” and “Do we have a purpose?” never really go out of style since there’s no way (yet) to offer a conclusive answer.

Similarly, people have never tired of engaging in debate over exactly how the individual mind works, which is probably why we’re still continually fascinated by brain teasers like this hidden cell phone puzzle.

A lot of folks think, probably accurately, that we all perceive the world slightly differently, but have come up with certain agreed-upon signifiers as a sort of shorthand for translating my reality into yours and vice versa.

Take, for example, color. Scientists agree that probably all of us see the color red differently, but it’s hard to know for certain exactly why.

One theory? We may perceive color differently based on our personality traits, as demonstrated by viral trends like "The Dress."

Scroll through the gallery below to see what your perceptions of color say about you!

Thumbnail Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons


Take a long look at this ambiguous dark color, and think hard about how you would describe it if pressed.

Maybe you would call it gunmetal, or olive, or teal, but if pressed, what basic color name would you describe here?

Does this block of color most closely resemble blue, gray, or green?

Your answer reveals hidden personality traits you may never have noticed before.


Here's the same block of color, filtered and enhanced to appear more green.

If you see the block as a green color, you're looking at a deep, rich forest green.

Seeing this color indicates that you're friendly and personable, with a genuine enjoyment of socializing and a tendency to look on the bright side of things.


Here's the original color, filtered to enhance the blue undertones.

For those of us who perceive more blue in the color, it appears as a dark, oceanic teal, just shy of a navy blue.

This blue color indicates that you are a reserved person who prizes the company of just a few close friends.

You can turn on the charm when you have to, but given your druthers, you'd rather expend time and energy on the things and people that are familiar to you.


Now, here's that same dark original color, enhanced to emphasize the gray tones.

People who see the color as a dark gray shade are perceiving a color like a piece of cast iron or a thunderhead brewing.

This neutral color reveals a personality in conflict, either because other people are confusing them with conflicting external opinions, or because this person simply doesn't tend to feel strongly about the opinions of most others.

Perceiving this color could be negative for someone who is stressed about solidifying a position in society, or a positive for someone who prefers to live a footloose life and fancy-free.

Now, let's try the same trick again, but with a different color.


Check out this pale, pastel-type color, and think about what color name you would use to describe it.

Is it lavender colored, or dusk hued, or maybe the faintly blue color of skim milk?

In simpler words, would you be more likely to describe this color as purple, blue, or white?

Keep reading to learn what each answer implies.


Here's the same swatch if we focus on the purple tones.

For someone who perceives this color as purple, it looks like a light lavender shade, something that would be totally appropriate on an Easter basket or a spring dress.

Seeing a purple hue here is an indicator that you're a sensitive soul that responds strongly to art, nature, and aesthetics.

You aren't fragile by any means, but you are deeply affected by the stories and images that cross your path.


Meanwhile, here's what it looks like if we enhance the blue tones of the original swatch.

It's not a dark or bright blue. It's still a pastel that appears as a gentle baby blue color.

Don't be deceived by the mellow hue though. Perceiving this color indicates that you are very strong and opinionated.

You'll carry the whole world on your shoulders if necessary, but sometimes, you need help to relax and be a bit less rigid.


Here's the last variation on the swatch. Here the color has been filtered to enhance the appearance of white.

For people who perceive this color as white, it looks like a slightly shadowed variation of a bright, clean white, like milk or blank paper.

Though the color is very neutral, perceiving a faintly pastel shade as white is an indication of an unflaggingly optimistic personality.

You see every day as a new opportunity and believe strongly that every situation has a silver lining.

How did you perceive the two blocks of color?

Let us know in the comments below, and don't forget to SHARE so your friends can see how their personalities stack up!