When you are about to go on a flight, there are some things you must expect.
You'll be called to board in a specific seat order, you'll have to wait in line as everyone slowly puts their carry-on luggage above the seats, and then you'll have to patiently wait as the flight attendants go through their routine safety demonstrations.
If you're a frequent flyer, you most likely don't even pay attention to those demonstrations after a certain point. You might have your headphones in and your eyes shut by the time that they start talking, but at the end of the day what they have to say is actually important.
So, maybe the world needs some more entertaining flight attendants, right?
If you were on this Delta flight and planned on not paying attention, you would have heard some laughter and wondered what was going on only to realize that this particular flight attendant was someone that you actually want to watch.
He tries to lighten the mood, and possibly calm some people's nerves, and I'd definitely have to say that he does that pretty perfectly with his 'famous' seatbelt demonstration.
Can you watch this without laughing? Let us know in the comments below!
Please SHARE this awesome flight attendant with all of your loved ones on Facebook today to give them a good laugh too!