Kathi Wilson of Shelbyville, Indiana, was struck with an illness no one could diagnosis. As time passed, the 41-year-old mother only grew more and more exhausted and miserable.
Her flu-like symptoms included chronic fatigue, muscle aches, and general discomfort. These symptoms became so debilitating for Kathi that she eventually needed a cane in order to walk.
Kathi's daughter said her mom's strange illness left her and her family completely dumbfounded — and doctors were just as mystified.
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While her doctor tried many medications, specialists ran a battery of tests, including cardiac testing, chest X-rays, brain scans, and spinal tests. Nothing seemed to provide an answer to the mystery illness.
Then one day, Kathi hired a couple of construction workers to remodel her bathroom.
Little did she know, this pair of eagle-eyed contractors would be the ones who'd crack the case and ultimately save Kathi's life.