Not everyone is great at cooking, and that's OK! Chef Daniel Holzman is here to save the day with his delicious (and simple) scallopini recipe.
You don't have to be a master chef to make these delicious recipes. In fact, all you need are a few basic ingredients, a little bit of time, and a passion for learning. And if you're sick of trying to figure out complicated cookbook recipes, you're in luck — Daniel is coming to you straight from your screen and teaching you how to make all sorts of tasty dishes from scratch.
Do you remember those "choose your own adventure" books we all used to read as kids? Daniel's videos are just like that — but with food instead of adventures!
For this scallopini recipe, you start with a simple decision: What kind of protein do you want? From there, Daniel walks you through a number of other easy choices, like what kind of sauce you want, whether you want breading on your protein, and what kind of side salad you'd enjoy most.
Check out the interactive video, and go get cooking!