If you're anything like me, you probably need a cup of coffee or three to get through your day without falling asleep standing up. But as it turns out, you might be sabotaging your caffeine efficacy by drinking your cup-o-joe at the wrong time of the day.
Many of us get our caffeine fix as soon as we wake up or on our way to work, but this video shows us that that might be the worst thing we can do for ourselves if we don't want to crash a couple of hours later. I know I'm guilty of having my first cup at around 8:30, so now I completely understand why I'm still dozing off at my desk.
A surprising number of people consider themselves coffee addicts, and it's not hard to see why. Between its ability to keep us awake and its delicious flavor that helps make treats like this easy coffee ice cream possible, it's basically a drinkable miracle! But to prevent a legitimate caffeine addiction from developing, one of the best things you can do aside from eliminating your morning latte altogether is making sure you're consuming it at the right time. Now you can make this easy and tasty blended ice coffee and make the most of its energizing powers!
I had no idea about this neat trick, but now that I've learned about it, it makes complete sense. It's going to be hard not to down an entire pot of my favorite beverage the second I manage to drag myself out of bed, but I have a feeling I'm going to feel much better throughout the day after making this switch!
Do you have a coffee-lover in your life? SHARE this video with them so they can learn this important information!