Whether you are a passionate car enthusiast or it took you years and years to finally get your driver's license, I bet you've thought about what you'd get if you could have your dream car.
Maybe you haven't just thought about it. Maybe you've spent your life thus far dreaming about heaven on four wheels, or maybe you've worked hard to be able to treat yourself (go, you!). No matter who you are, the following video from Chevrolet is guaranteed to pull at your heartstrings.
In this touching three-minute short, we meet a boy named Clark who falls madly in love with the Corvette the first time he sees one. As he grows, so does his dream to someday have one of his own. Over the years, we watch the boy-turned-man put money in his "Corvette" jar and then selflessly spend his hard-earned savings on others.
When Clark finally retires and realizes he can finally buy himself a Corvette he heads to the Chevy dealership, but never makes it across the street. We then see that his dream doesn't die with him and he finally gets his one wish in the afterlife.
Pull out the Kleenex box, because this heartwarming story is also a real tearjerker!
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"Corvette Heaven" from Philip Volkoff on Vimeo.