If You’ve Been Cracking Your Knuckles Forever, You HAVE To Watch This Video!

Is there a better natural stress reliever on the planet than simply cracking your knuckles? Sure, it might drive the people around you absolutely crazy, but cracking your knuckles just feels so satisfying sometimes.

Sure, it might not be quite as relaxing as, say, laying on the beach and exploring the gorgeous wildlife of a place like Costa Rica. It might not even match up to the experience of falling asleep in a hammock with your favorite pooch. But it still feels so nice sometimes.

If you've been cracking your knuckles your whole like like me, then you're probably a little worried about what exactly happens to your hands after years of cracking. You've likely heard the rumors that the habit can lead to arthritis and other issues as you get older, but there's never really been a lot of definitive information on the subject.

The below video, however, tries to dispel some of the rumors and give good, solid information about what exactly cracking your knuckles does (and what it could lead to down the road).

Created by the folks at Vox, the video should give you a much better understanding of what's actually going on in your hand when you crack your knuckles and, if you're nervous about the possibility of arthritis later in life, it should do a bit to ease your fears.

Check it out and pass it around to your fellow knuckle-crackers, as there's some really important (and interesting) information in there!

Please SHARE this with all your friends and family!!