It can be tough parting with something that you've had for a long time.
Even if it's not your favorite thing, even if it gave you trouble most of the time, it's still what you're used to, and that's comforting.
Whether it's an old toy that you left behind on a trip or something bigger, it matters.
It especially matters when it's something as big as a car. Just watch this woman's reaction when her family surprises her with the vintage car that she had to sell during a tough year.
Chances are you've made memories in your car, you've gone to amazing places with your friends, maybe it protected you during an accident and you feel an odd sense of gratitude to the big, painted machine.
So when that car reaches the end of its lifespan, it can be tough for the owner to say goodbye.
In Vadel Gray's case, his car had more memories than most.
Not only did Gray drive it around, but so did Queen Latifah in the move Miracles From Heaven. How cool is that?
But even famous cars don't last forever, and this famous car in particular ended up getting totaled in an accident.
Luckily for Gray, the school where he works as a custodian made sure that he wasn't without a set of wheels for long.
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