He Started Brushing His Little Kitten. The Reaction He Got? You Will DIE!

Ready for your daily dose of oh-my-God-that-is-so-gosh-darn-cute?? The little black kitten in this video will definitely send your cuteness meter into serious overload!!

While not a particularly complex video — or one that features the kitten doing something crazy like riding on a dirt bike — it pulls at the heartstrings and is simply fun to watch. The tiny black kitten is basically a chubby ball of fur with bright blue eyes, and she clearly enjoys being brushed. She keeps batting at the brush with an almost confused look on her little face, as, well, it’s highly unlikely she has any idea what’s going on!

Perhaps the cutest moment is when she’s having her head brushed, as she reaches her tiny paws up in an “Oh my goodness what are you doing, large human?” fashion. Whatever the song playing in the background is, it adds to the overwhelming cuteness of the video as it’s “sung” by little kids.

Please SHARE this video with friends and family and make them smile all kinds of wide today!