Silly Rescue Elephant Breaks The Sprinkler And Makes Herself A Water Park!

It's hard to believe that there are actually people out there who would abuse an animal. From dogs to cats to elephants, these animals lose their trust in humans, and often it can take months after they're finally rescued to gain back that trust.

Thankfully, Faa Sai, the Asian elephant, was finally rescued from her horrible life of abuse. Though she'll never be able to go back out into the wild where these beautiful animals belong, she now lives at Elephant Nature Park in Thailand, free to roam the hundreds of acres and live out the rest of her days in happiness and safety.

Along with a group of other rescue elephants, Faa Sai has finally found a family that can make her feel safe again. But while she certainly loves hanging out with the group, she also loves to have some alone time. And when a group of tourists caught her breaking a water sprinkler, they couldn't stop laughing at how happy she looked!

Faa Sai has been known to break the sprinklers in order to create a little water park of her own. As the other elephants go down to the local pond, she stays behind and secretly has a little party all by herself!

While it's a horrible tragedy that Faa Sai had to live through so many years of abuse, it's heartwarming to know that she's finally found her forever home.

Please SHARE this adorable video if you think animal abuse should be put to an end forever!