Every day, parents are faced with the same challenge: how to get their kid to sleep at a decent hour. Not only so their little one is well-rested and healthy, but themselves, too! It's a struggle for most moms and dads even when their tyke is totally tuckered out. Something in their silly brains makes them determined to fight off their fatigue til they finally pass out from using up all their stubborn energy.
Some clever families figure out certain tricks to coerce their kiddos to sleepy town. Serenading them with a lullaby is always a good standby, but the really persistent kids require a more hands-on approach. That's exactly what this dad resorts to when his young daughter won't calm down for a night of sweet dreams.
Dressed in precious PJs, she stands right up in her crib just crying her cute little eyes out. Her dad attempts to simply lay her back down on her side, but she is not having it. He assesses the situation and quickly decides that the only option left is to crawl right into her crib with her! I'm amazed he could fit inside with the tot, but he manages to squeeze in.
It seems to do the job as she curls right up to him and calms down. There's just one problem… How is he supposed to get back out? Sorry, Pop, looks like you're in this one for the long haul!
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Tētis steidzas palīgā… bet kā tālāk? 😀
Posted by Māmiņām un tētiem on Sunday, October 25, 2015