Bodies are fascinating and each one of them is completely different and absolutely beautiful. But, sometimes people's bodies can present challanges for them that they'd rather not be dealing with.
Paige Leigh DeAngelo suffered from painful, irregular periods throughout her teen years. She trained as a dancer and initially thought it might have to do with her intense physical activity. She didn't think too much of it and went on with her day-to-day. It wasn't until her very first gynecologist visit that Paige learned about how different her body is.
Initially, Paige's gynecologist believed she had a septum and sent her to get an MRI. "When I was getting the MRI, the person giving me the exam gasped out loud," she shared. "She was like 'you have two complete reproductive systems.'"
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At the time, doctors weren't sure what this anomaly might mean for Paige. "Being told when you're 18 that you might not be able to have kids is just something that is really hard to hear."
Paige met her boyfriend, Hugh, her freshman year of college. When she contemplated telling him about her condition, she decided to open up about it publicly, on her TikTok.
"Honestly, I just believe that no parts of any human body should be shamed or hidden," she explains.
Doctors have explained to Paige that she has an increased possibility of fertility struggles and poor pregnancy outcome. She's been referred to a reproductive endocrinologist to examine the possibility of removing the septum to give her better chances of being able to carry a child to term when she's prepared to do so.
At 20 years old, it will be a while before Paige reaches that step. In the meantime, she's dedicated to educating others about her own and other reproductive anomalies.
"The main message that I'm hoping to share with my story is just being comfortable and open and confident with your whole body."