This Baby Girl Started Crawling Weirdly. Seconds Later? I Didn’t See That Coming!

For new parents, it's incredible to witness their child's first major milestones, and in this day and age, most parents have their iPhones ready to capture every waking moment to share with friends and family.

From a baby's hilarious reaction to discovering a new food to this tot who is adorably confused after meeting twins, all these beautiful moments can really make us smile. So imagine the joy the doting dad in this next video must have felt when he was able to capture the exact moment his little girl stopped crawling and stood up for the very first time!

"I was trying to film her crawling weirdly like she does through the yard but she had a different idea," the little girl's father wrote on YouTube. (*Please note: He does curse in the video, but he explains the moment caught him so off guard that it just slipped out from the excitement — I mean, can you really blame him?)

It's so awesome that he was able to film this moment and can know relive it over and over — and send it to all his family, too!

Got any great "baby's first" stories to share with us? Let us know in the comments!

And don't forget to please SHARE this awesome moment with all your friends on Facebook.