When Madison County police received numerous phone calls about a reckless driver terrorizing Highway 81, they immediately jumped into action.
The driver of the 18-wheel tractor trailer wouldn't stop, even with the police sirens blaring — but that's not what worried the police.
The truck, though slowing down, was about to reach a viaduct that it could easily go over and thus crash into the major intersection below. Just moments before, deputies peering into the driver's window from their cars caught the truck driver with a blank stare on his face, clearly not in control of the vehicle. With the driver unwell, the cops couldn't get his attention, and tried finding ways to slow him down — but they were running out of time.
That's when Deputy Volk decided that something had to be done. By this time, the driver was completely unconscious.
The quick-thinking deputy jumped onto the moving truck, which was traveling at 20 mph, to hit the brakes.
Sgt. Volt explains, "I jumped back in my patrol vehicle, punched it and got up in front and jumped out and jumped up and grabbed the hand railing and the mirror on the side of the truck and hit the breaks."
The police later learned that the man had suffered a diabetic episode, and that his blood sugar level was very low at the time.
What a close call! Thankfully this brave officer was there to make a tough decision, and ended up saving what could have been dozens of lives.
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