Driving alone at night can be truly terrifying.
Police warn that you should never stop for anyone or anything late at night, especially if you're on a deserted or dangerous road. However, it gets a little tricky when it comes to seeing someone or some animal in need of help. When this good Samaritan saw a drunk woman dodging traffic on a busy highway, they risked their life to stop and help.
It's scary to think how avoidable accidents like this happen every day, but what would you do if you accidentally hit an animal on the road? In the following video, which was banned in the United States, we see how just about anything can happen on the road late at night.
In the video, we see a woman driving along when a stray dog runs in front of her car. Unable to stop, the woman runs over the dog and then backs up to see what happened. However, when she gets out of her car to call the police and see if the dog's OK, she gets the surprise of a lifetime.
I won't give away the ending, but just know that this video is meant to be a reminder to be smart as a driver…and don't trust anyone!
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