When it comes to food, my Jack Russell terrier Charlie doesn't discriminate. He will devour pretty much anything that comes his way. And that doesn't only include a juicy piece of meat or some vanilla ice cream — he enjoys eating a nutritious apple just as much.
Charlie is also certainly one of those hilarious klepto dogs who finds ways to steal food when you aren't looking. Sometimes, all it takes is one second and poof…my food is gone. Unfortunately, he might also get a little angry if another dog tries to take a bite of what he thinks is his and only his.
I thought that was a natural response for all dogs when it comes to food. Then I saw the one in the video below, and I realized that not every pooch is like my energetic Jack Russell.
In the clip, titled "Sid loves food," the pooch is spotted with several delicious treats, including bacon, a cookie, and even a hamburger. It's what he does with these foods that will have you laughing.
Yet nothing compares to the beagle's reaction when he has a slice of pepperoni pizza in his mouth at the :25 mark. Whatever Sid is attempting to do is absolutely hilarious and adorable.
Watch the video below and please SHARE with all the dog owners you know because I'm sure they'll be surprised by little Sid.